Defibrillator Training

Defibrillator Training

The number of community groups and sports clubs across Co. Westmeath who are investing in defibrillators has grown significantly in the last number of years.

Westmeath Sports Partnership delivers education and training opportunities across a broad range of areas to local sports clubs and community groups. This includes defibrillator training as part of the content. These courses are suitable for anyone who is involved or participates in sport such as coaches, parents, teachers, physical activity leaders etc.

The aim of this training is to provide relevant training to personnel to protect and treat those who become injured or unwell during training events or competition.

Course content

Candidates learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of Cardiac Arrest and Choking.

Upon course completion, candidates will be fully competent in the operation of an AED, Adult CPR, and the treatment of a choking patient. 

The course is delivered over 4 hours.

It is certified by the Irish Heart Foundation.

Who should attend?
Anybody who wishes to learn how to operate an Automated External Defibrillator and how to perform CPR can attend this training course. Prior first aid training is not necessary.


To book a place or enquire about an upcoming course, please contact David Scally on 044 9390208 or

If clubs wish to have any of our courses delivered at their own venue please contact us, and we will try and arrange a time and date that suits your members.

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