Westmeath is getting ready for Active School Week 2023

Dozens Of Local Schools Will Be Getting Active

Active School Week

This Monday, April 24, marks the beginning of Active School week for students and teachers across Co.Westmeath and Ireland.

The Active School Flag promotes the physical activity of school-going children between the ages of five to 18 years. In operation since 2009, Active School Flag now reaches 670+ schools across Ireland.

Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education initiative supported by Healthy Ireland, and part of the National Physical Activity Plan.

The ASF initiative provides schools with a framework to guide, support and incentivise them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community.

Once awarded, ASF remains valid for a period of 3 years, after which time schools are invited to re-engage with the process

The key goals of Active School week include:

PROMOTE physical activity in a FUN, positive and inclusive way

INCENTIVISE schools to engage in a process self-reflection, action planning and collaboration at whole school level

SUPPORT schools to identify strategies to energise the school day and to reduce sedentary time

ENCOURAGE schools to strengthen their PE programmes and to promote physical literacy

Physical Activity Resources

Everyone needs to get physical activity every day, and especially children. It’s recommended that kids and young adults get up to 60 minutes per day.

If you are looking for some inspiration, there are lots of helpful suggestions on games and fun activity that can be planned at ActiveSchoolFlag.ie

Share The Fun

It’s probably the most fun week of the year for students, and maybe even teachers too.

So, with that in mind, we’d love to hear from you if you have some pics or videos that we can share to show exactly how active your school is getting during the week.

If it’s #TableTennisTakeOver or maybe you are starting the 4-week Cycle Around Ireland challenge, get in touch.

Message us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or you can email us at info@westmeathsports.ie and tag #ASW23 in all your social media posts.

Here are some examples from last year: